One of a home’s vital components is the roof, meant to endure the elements for years. Tile roof systems generally come in two basic types, with one being more cost-effective.
Clay Tile Roofing Installation Services
This type is the pricier option and represents a more traditional material. It boasts high durability, reliable weather resistance, and considerable visual appeal.
Concrete Tile Roofing Installation Services
This is the second most prevalent roofing tile variety, providing similar excellent benefits to clay tiles but at a more affordable price.
Mesa Roofing Repairs for Concrete Tile Roofs
Despite their durability, both types may eventually need attention due to harsh Mesa weather or tiles slipping out of position over time.
One advantage of clay or concrete tile roofs is their ease of repair; often, only a few damaged tiles need replacing.

Upgrade to Modern Tile Roofing Systems
If you require a complete tile roof replacement, look no further than Mesa Roofing. Whether you have clay or concrete tiles, our experienced roofers are well-versed in working with both types.
After completion, you’ll be delighted with the refreshed appearance of your tiled roof. Rest assured, your new roof, whether clay or concrete tiles, is built to shield you from the elements for years to come.